Children & Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes in children, however Type 2 diabetes is now on the rise.

If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes, you may be feeling overwhelmed and worried, your GP will be able to provide you with information to help you and your child manage their diabetes.

For useful tips on how to encourage your child to eat healthy foods and getting them interested in physical activity visit Diabetes UK.

Contact Us

Type of enquiry Contact Person Contact Number
For non-urgent enquiries
Office hours
(Monday – Friday)
Except Bank Holidays
Sandra, Helen or Nancy Monday to Friday 8.30-16.30:
01793 604969 or leave a message
For urgent enquiries
Office hours
(Monday – Friday)
Except Bank Holidays
Sandra, Helen or Nancy
If they not available please contact the Children’s Unit (inform the staff your child has diabetes and ask to speak to the Paediatric Registrar)
Monday to Friday 8.30-16.30:
01793 604969 or
Children’s unit 01793 604095
For Urgent Enquiries:
Out of hours, weekends and Bank Holidays
Children’s Unit (inform the staff that your child has diabetes and ask to speak to the Paediatric Registrar on call) 01793 604095
Paediatric Diabetes Dietitian Elmarie van Wyk 01793 605145/9
Non-urgent enquiries
Diabetes Team
Please do not add any confidential /personal identifiable information
For appointment changes Children’s Outpatients clerk (appointments)
It will be good to contact Janine Drinkwater (diabetes admin co-ordinator) as well as she can try and arrange a review sooner than the ‘next available appointment’ if needed
Children’s Outpatients clerk:
01793 6040990
Janine Drinkwater: 01793 6040969
Please make sure you cancel your appointment if you cannot make it.

Meet the Team

Paediatric Diabetes Consultants

Dr Nick West

Dr Nick West

Dr Nik Daskas

Dr Nik Daskas

Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Nurses

Sandra Rudman

Sandra Rudman

Helen Good

Helen Good

Paediatric Diabetes Nurse

Nancy Brown

Nancy Brown

Paediatric Diabetes Dietitian

Elmarie van Wyk

Elmarie van Wyk

Paediatric Clinical Psychologist

Georgina Taylor

Georgina Taylor

Diabetes Admin Co-ordinator

Janine Drinkwater

Janine Drinkwater

We look forward to hearing from you!