Weight Management Courses for Patients with Diabetes in Swindon


LIFT Psychology “Healthy Habits for Body and Mind”


Free 4 week course held once a week for 2 hours in a group format, aiming to help people feel more motivated to make changes and learn techniques to overcome some of the common difficulties. It includes topics such as managing unhelpful thoughts and feelings, setting realistic goals, differences between physical and emotional hunger, and dealing with urges to eat when not physically hungry


Wednesday 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm


Old Town Surgery (2nd Floor), Curie Avenue, SN1 4GB


email lift.psychology@nhs.net or call 01793 835710



Slimming World



This is a free 12 week course lasting 1 hour in a group format, with online resources, exercise programmes and motivational coaching. The aim of this group is to allow you to be in control and does not ban any foods. It avoids hunger by allowing you to have unlimited amounts of “Free” foods which are low calorie but high in nutrients such as pasta, lean meat, rice, fish, fruit and veg, whilst limiting calorie-packed foods that are nutrient-poor such as biscuits and alcohol. This avoids the needs to weight/measure food.

When and Where and How?

To find out where slimming world meetngs are held, can contact Slimming World on 0344 897 8000 or at: www.slimmingworld.co.uk or contact The Hub on 01793 465513 or via email: livewell@swindon.gov.uk


NHS Choices Weight Management Programme


Free 12 week online weight loss programme—this gives advice on recipes, portion sizes, calories as well as access to a weight loss forum to discuss progress/problems with others. Weekly diary to document diet/physical activity and weight loss progress.


Whenever suits you!




Visit www.nhs.uk/livewell/weight-loss-guide/Pages/weight-loss-guide.aspx


Football Fans in Training


13 week weight management programme running weekly for men aged 35-65 years old with a BMI of >28 kg/m2 or a waist circumference of >38 inches. Training is by club community coaches and you will also receive a programme of advice on how to eat more healthily and become more active, including being given a pedometer to count the number of steps walked each day. Cost £5/session.


2 programmes per year: Jan-April Sep-Dec Thursday 6.30-8.00pm


Legends Lounge, Country Ground


Email jon@stfc-fitc.co.uk with Football Fans in Training as the subject line, visit http://stfitc.co.uk/?p=5395, or ring 01793 421303 (Swindon Town Football Club)



Healthy Families


Healthy families is a fun and free children’s lifestyle weight management programme. It helps overweight children and young people and their families to reach and maintain a healthier weight.  The service provides an age specific 5 or 10 week programme for families with children aged between 5 and 16 years. Each programme is specifically designed to provide age appropriate messages, activities and behavioural change strategies that will benefit the child and whole family.

For more details, please visit:

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